Monday, December 20, 2010

2 AM

Ghhh ! I woke up, I found myself in here again
Quick, I need a piece of paper, and a pen
I got this idea that I don't want to lose again
Collecting words, arrange them in chapters, that's what I do
Glue them together, reuse them, creating a new new
I brake it and than I glue the parts, again and again, forever
It's like a puzzle, it solves itself every single time
But rearranges differently every single rhyme,
Each time
I put words in line, rhyme after rhyme
(Ah fuck, what does this rhyme with)
Don't stop, keep trying !
You got to keep the words coming !
Don't stop, keep writing, keep writing..
It's hard but don't you ever give up !
You keep writing and writing..., ok now, STOP.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Regret un gest, regret o vorba spusa, un lucru facut,
Regret ca nimic nu e asa cum am planuit, ca nu am avut curaj, ca nu am vrut,
Ca nu am simtit,
N-am stiut, n-am putut
Ca nu stiu, ca nu vreau,
Sa ascult,
Regret o zi pierduta, o amintire, un gand regret ca plang,
Regret ca tu nu stii, nu ti-am spus, ca am plecat razand
Regret ca nu stii ca nu vrei sa-ntelegi, ca sunt doar vorbe in vant, regret? Nu, nu regret nimic.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

A - Z

Aluzii amintiri amandoua atunci amestecate
Butelii banale bubuie banalitate
Creaza cretini, cretinitate, cretinitati
Distrugeri date de dezastre distrug divinitati
Euforie extaz emana elasticitate
Figuri false fura faptuind fatalitate
Greseli gramada gatuie gandul, gandul gafaie
Himere hohote hiperbole hranesc hartie
Inimi insolubile induc imaginatii imobilizate
Justitia justifica jocuri josnice jucate
Kaufland kóvar kriptón knockout kandia
Lideri liberi laolalta lezeaza libertatea
Minciuni mari musamalizeaza moarte
Nervi necinste nebuni naivitate
Ocolim oameni onesti, ofensam orice opus onorii
Prostia prinde putere prin pactul propus pierzarii
Razboinic rau rade rabdare
Suflul sulfuric stinge, sufoca soare
Srapnele slefuiesc socand satre sovaitoare
Traim tot timpul tragicomic, teroare timpurie
Tandari tintite tasnesc tintuind tarmuire
Ucigasi umili uitati ucid uimire
Veni vedi vici verde venin vin vajaind valea
Zambete-n zale, zori zidite zoresc zarea

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Intreaba-ma orice

Mi-am facut cont pe un site formspring Ma puteti intreba orice sub anonimat. O sa incerc sa raspund la toate :P

Monday, February 1, 2010



He wakes up every morning with the sad face
The happy days are long gone there's no trace
Of them.He's afraid of people he's afraid of all
Since his father died he barely trusts anyone at all
He's alone now, working on his farm
Thinking eyeryone around wants to do him harm
He can't think of a good thing everything's bad
But still, he has faith, puts nothing above God.
Everything seem's an ilusion, there's nothing to gain
The only thing that's real is pain.
Slowly trough the window the night slips in
Another day is over but feels like it never begin

(More soon.)

A day in the Internet

A Day in the Internet
Created by Online Education

Saturday, January 16, 2010

How to kill someone an get away with it

Maybe these 12 facts would help:

1. Drive By!! (in the night, in a black car)
2. Poison someones drink (at their house)
3. Set Explosions (use a timer, no triggers) while the person's inside
4. Don't leave anything behind: guns, clothes, etc.
5. Hire a expert Asian expert hitman :)
6. Do it...ON A BOAT! In the Sea, surrounded by Sharks
7. Use a silencer, and make sure nobody's around except you and the victim.
8. When lying about where you were at the time, think of a recent time when you experienced something amazing (with your father, mother, family member, friends), then stick to that and say something about it, even though you really didn't and you were at someplace other than the one you want to believe. Confusing?? It's another great lie you need to think about and practice!
9. Make a fake I.D. (Will ether Hawaii, Alaska, or Purto Rico as a background)and use an Alias.
10. When you see a Tug Boat, drive that motherfucker into the river and catch a ride on it's tires sticking out from the sides (Saw that in Shooter by the way).
11. Make sure you have someone driving a Van (with the door open), if you want to make a clean Getaway.
12. Hire a damn good Lawyer. didn't get this from me. Ca-peesh?